How do we score?

  1. SSL Labs: A+

    We score the max A+ rating.

  2. 100% confidence rating

    We score a 100% confidence rating.

  3. Email test 100%

    We score the maximum in the email and web test.

  4. European Union email assessment: 5.0 out of 5

    We score full points in the MESCA email test.

  5. Start TLS everywhere from EFF: Great!

    We score Great! on the test of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

For Nerds (Technical)

  • 100% IPv6 enabled
  • DKIM/DMARC by default
  • SPF, DANE and DKIM enforcement
  • #6 worldwide 100% correct SMTP, DANE, TLSA
  • Email forwarding using SRS and ARC
  • Instant mail delivery, no queuing
  • Fully compliant (and more) with all email protocols and standards like GDPR, AVG, SPF, DANE, TLSA, TLS, BIMI, SRS, SSL, DNSSEC
  • In-house spam filter built into the platform